System and Software Requirements
System and Software Requirements.
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Does Windowizard need an internet connection?
Which internet browser do I need to run Windowizard?
Setting up and Maintaining Windowizard
Setting up and Maintaining Windowizard.
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How to setup and Maintain Users
How to add Workroom Sewing Rates
How to setup Sewing Room Retail Prices
How to maintain other fabric categories
Retail Sale Pricing
How do I Add a Non-Windowizard Fabric Supplier (Bulk)?
How do I add a non-licence fabric supplier?
How do I set up a delivery address?
How do I set up installation rates?
How do I add rolls of fabric to stock fabric?
How do I load roman blind details?
How do I set up curtain header details?
How do I set up Bull Zip printer for PDF’s?
How do I set up a User? – User Form
How do I set up an Account?
How do I customize my proposal?
How do I maintain Retail Prices?
Getting started with Windowizard
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How do I find specific information about a product?
How do I find out if a specific product is available?
Sales Manager
Sales Manager.
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How to start a proposal in Sales manager
How to setup and Maintain Users
How do I view sales manager reports?
How do I email a quote?
How do I order Non License Fabric?
How do I close a cold job? (Unsuccessful)
How do I view Closed Proposals?
How do I use the Sales Manager?
How do I find a customer using Sales Manager?
How can I create multiple options for a customer?
How do I print Fitting and Workroom Instructions?
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How do I print MCP Statements?
Creating a Proposal
Creating a Proposal.
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How to Configure your Print Settings for a Proposal
How do I find a sales order or proposal? -Quick Find
How do I email a proposal?
How do I accept a proposal and place orders?
How do I swap out a fabric over all windows?
Using the proposal screen
Using the Design Wizard
Using the Design Wizard.
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How do I add a non-licence fabric through the Fabric Wizard
Using the Design Wizard to add treatments
Quick Fabric Finder